
Song for the Failed States of Americanistan

Welcome to the Failed States of Americanistan,
a country so stupid they think sieg heiling is fun.
Voters so dumb they deified a snake oil salesman
and fell for an obvious South-African prince scam.

Shallow, simple, selfish and ignorant to the boot;
owning the libs with an economic suicide-by-coup.
Now ruled by doge-pope Elontollah Muskhomeini
and his Talibaptist terrorist Y’all Qaeda death cult.

Demented oligarchs acting like medieval aristocrats,
secret mailboxes loaded with depraved KGB kompromat.
Home of the brave? Don’t tread on me? That’s not what I see.
Your new anthem is ”Yeah alright I’ll do what you tell me”.

You mocked the French for surrendering to Nazi Jagdpanzers,
but immediately surrendered to little castrati boy hackers.
Remember how you negotiated peacefully with Bin Laden?
That’s the kind of lethargy you’re projecting with Don Putin.

If declaring that the president is above the law is not the last straw,
then what the fuck is? Swastika topiary on the White House lawn?
The leopards are laughing while eating your reactionless face
and you don’t speak out because you’re waiting for everyone else.

If John Brown and Harriet Tubman were alive to witness this shit,
they would fucking punch you and call you spineless weaklings.
What else there is to say about your decline-and-collapse speedrun?
You’re failing on the world stage like breakdancing Raygun.

We’re looking at you with pity like photos from 1970’s Iran,
so let’s end this with Bill Hicks’ words about Ronald Reagan:
”How far up your ass does this guy’s dick has to be
before you realize that you are being fucked, man?”


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